Dear Seeker of the Truth,
Ever since its launch in April 2005, Our Ultimate Reality has touched, and frequently completely changed the lives of countless people. Every day I feel blessed to receive messages from people all over the world and from all life situations and challenges who, having read Our Ultimate Reality, are now enjoying the life they could not have previously thought possible, having finally realised the true nature of reality, how to enjoy a life on Earth of health, joy and abundance, and above all, destiny.
Our Ultimate Reality, Life, the Universe and the Destiny of Mankind is a 572 page book culminating from my own 40 years of sincere and open-minded seeking, finding and receiving the truth from many reliable inner and outer sources, and from my own many life experiences, including applying The Law of Attraction to attract abundance, a near death experience, and many profound "Higher" or more correctly "Inner" experiences that eventually led me to writing this book for you that you may benefit as well, but without the decades of seeking. Our Ultimate Reality is nothing less than your fasttrack to success both in physical life and in your individual evolution.
During the course of your voyage of discovery through Our Ultimate Reality you will learn the truth about yourself, the true nature of reality and of the Universe in all of its glorious spheres of life and reality, and of your true destiny and most importantly how to realise your destiny for yourself, thus learning and realising the true meaning of Life, the Universe and Destiny of Mankind.
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