The heart is one of the keys to inner growth...
It's Now Time To Learn more about Spirituality
- The Third Eye
- A New Spiritual Understanding
- Spiritual Growth
- Daily Inspiration
- Free Spiritual Symbols
and more!
With Love and Light We Open Up.
Monday, December 03, 2007
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Self-Mastery; Personal Empowerment
Life doesn't have to be a struggle. By learning how to truly “listen” to the “still, small voice within” anyone can create a life filled with Joy, Success and Love!
You can learn how to be a Master of your thoughts and emotions and become the Master of your life.
Find out how:
You can learn how to be a Master of your thoughts and emotions and become the Master of your life.
Find out how:
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Interview With Spirit - The Show
This is a superb collection of Special subjects,
tightly focused reports on Money, Sex, Outrageous
Positivity, Relationships, Resistance, Happiness
and feeling good, Inner guidance and Emotions.
tightly focused reports on Money, Sex, Outrageous
Positivity, Relationships, Resistance, Happiness
and feeling good, Inner guidance and Emotions.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
What is Spiritual Growth
What is Spiritual Growth?
Spiritual growth is the growing awareness of a higher level of consciousness. A higher level of consciousness brings an expanded view of reality. The more your view of reality expands, the more you are able to integrate conflicting issues within yourself. Why It Matters Today
Spiritual growth has become such an urgent issue today because everyone is under an unprecedented pressure to grow. They may not know that they are growing. They may resist it. They may be in denial that today’s great changes affect them. Nevertheless, these are the days of great change, an era called the Shift. The Shift is a steady rise in consciousness which is affecting the entire planet.
The Shift into higher consciousness is propelling today’s search for spirituality and meaning in life. Spiritual growth involves gaining a deeper sense of inner awareness. Deeper awareness from a blissful union with your true, inner self. The higher the frequency of your consciousness, the more likely you are to see the synchronicity of events in your life and gain intuitive insights into these. The universal theme playing out on Earth today is shifting from one of separation to one of integration. Integration means learning how to love and accept yourself, and others, completely and unconditionally.
Deeper awareness opens the door to an inner sense of the connectedness of all life. You begin to see other people as different expressions of the same Infinite Being. Not better than, not less than, just different than yourself. In the deeper awareness of spiritual growth, the universe is seen to be within, not something separate and outside of yourself. Inner integration is a process that causes issues of separation to arise so that they can be resolved. In society today, issues are coming up so rapidly that society appears to be in turmoil or chaos. People are becoming more sensitive in many ways as the frequency of consciousness rises.
With the rise in consciousness comes a rise in personal empowerment and responsibility!
Spiritual growth is the growing awareness of a higher level of consciousness. A higher level of consciousness brings an expanded view of reality. The more your view of reality expands, the more you are able to integrate conflicting issues within yourself. Why It Matters Today
Spiritual growth has become such an urgent issue today because everyone is under an unprecedented pressure to grow. They may not know that they are growing. They may resist it. They may be in denial that today’s great changes affect them. Nevertheless, these are the days of great change, an era called the Shift. The Shift is a steady rise in consciousness which is affecting the entire planet.
The Shift into higher consciousness is propelling today’s search for spirituality and meaning in life. Spiritual growth involves gaining a deeper sense of inner awareness. Deeper awareness from a blissful union with your true, inner self. The higher the frequency of your consciousness, the more likely you are to see the synchronicity of events in your life and gain intuitive insights into these. The universal theme playing out on Earth today is shifting from one of separation to one of integration. Integration means learning how to love and accept yourself, and others, completely and unconditionally.
Deeper awareness opens the door to an inner sense of the connectedness of all life. You begin to see other people as different expressions of the same Infinite Being. Not better than, not less than, just different than yourself. In the deeper awareness of spiritual growth, the universe is seen to be within, not something separate and outside of yourself. Inner integration is a process that causes issues of separation to arise so that they can be resolved. In society today, issues are coming up so rapidly that society appears to be in turmoil or chaos. People are becoming more sensitive in many ways as the frequency of consciousness rises.
With the rise in consciousness comes a rise in personal empowerment and responsibility!
Spiritual EBook - Law Of Attraction
“THE SECRET” Is No Secret Anymore,
Ask and There is Nothing You Cannot BE,
DO, or HAVE”
* Become RICH & HAPPY Beyond Your Sweetest Dreams
* Be The Perfect Picture of Ageless HEALTH
* Find or Draw Your Perfect SOULMATE Life-Partner to You
* Maintain Your Vitality and Vibrant YOUTHFULNESS
* Attain Your Own Physical Body IMMORTALITY Without Body Death
If You Want to Understand More About
"THE SECRET" Mysterious Powers
of the Universe...
Learn from a Key World Spiritual Mentor, Himself--
Russ Michael
Ask and There is Nothing You Cannot BE,
DO, or HAVE”
* Become RICH & HAPPY Beyond Your Sweetest Dreams
* Be The Perfect Picture of Ageless HEALTH
* Find or Draw Your Perfect SOULMATE Life-Partner to You
* Maintain Your Vitality and Vibrant YOUTHFULNESS
* Attain Your Own Physical Body IMMORTALITY Without Body Death
If You Want to Understand More About
"THE SECRET" Mysterious Powers
of the Universe...
Learn from a Key World Spiritual Mentor, Himself--
Russ Michael
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Free Spiritual Symbols - Body, soul & spirit
Free Spiritual Symbols Raise Your own Vibrations You Body, soul and spirit
Here's How it Works:
* You download abthirs toolbar and
click on the spiritual symbols button.
* Draw the symbol on a piece of paper and put it in your pocket.
* Carry it with you a couple of days.
Every month there'll be a new symbol
you can use to get a greater spiritual
You'll attract positive energies and start to build up your own spiritual energies!
You can Download it here:

Here's How it Works:
* You download abthirs toolbar and
click on the spiritual symbols button.
* Draw the symbol on a piece of paper and put it in your pocket.
* Carry it with you a couple of days.
Every month there'll be a new symbol
you can use to get a greater spiritual
You'll attract positive energies and start to build up your own spiritual energies!
You can Download it here:

Friday, October 12, 2007
The New Thought Movement
Discover the Astonishing Secrets Behind the Hit Movie
"THE SECRET" and Unleash the Power Within!
Create more Money, Success, Joy & Peace in Your Life!
Ideas and concepts in these books will teach you how to:
Control and direct your imagination -- use your mind to create only what is best and wanted by you.
Release debilitating negative emotions and replace them with positive uplifting ones.
Change your thinking to bring unprecedented riches into your life.
Let go of worry and embrace a new level of peace -- find a new level of personal freedom.
Ignore outward appearances and focus on what you want to bring into your life -- conditions are only permanent if you let them be.
Develop a closer relationship with the creator within -- recognize and develop your inner spirit.
Replace beliefs that are holding you back with empowering ones -- believe in your greatness.
Harness the power of the Universe to do your bidding -- you are on earth to create your life as you wish it.
Recognize that everything in the Universe is energy and that you can control the flow of “good energy” in your life; you are the engineer.
Create confidence in yourself and in your abilities -- become an unstoppable dynamo who is admired by others.
Overcome addictions and negative habits by focusing on the truth of your inner perfection.
Visualize and meditate; delve into the deeper states of mind and replenish your soul.
Bring about self healing, both physical & spiritual -- the mind is the most powerful pharmacy on earth.
The information in these books can help you do that.
And you deserve it!
"THE SECRET" and Unleash the Power Within!
Create more Money, Success, Joy & Peace in Your Life!
Ideas and concepts in these books will teach you how to:
Control and direct your imagination -- use your mind to create only what is best and wanted by you.
Release debilitating negative emotions and replace them with positive uplifting ones.
Change your thinking to bring unprecedented riches into your life.
Let go of worry and embrace a new level of peace -- find a new level of personal freedom.
Ignore outward appearances and focus on what you want to bring into your life -- conditions are only permanent if you let them be.
Develop a closer relationship with the creator within -- recognize and develop your inner spirit.
Replace beliefs that are holding you back with empowering ones -- believe in your greatness.
Harness the power of the Universe to do your bidding -- you are on earth to create your life as you wish it.
Recognize that everything in the Universe is energy and that you can control the flow of “good energy” in your life; you are the engineer.
Create confidence in yourself and in your abilities -- become an unstoppable dynamo who is admired by others.
Overcome addictions and negative habits by focusing on the truth of your inner perfection.
Visualize and meditate; delve into the deeper states of mind and replenish your soul.
Bring about self healing, both physical & spiritual -- the mind is the most powerful pharmacy on earth.
The information in these books can help you do that.
And you deserve it!
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Our Ultimate Reality
Dear Seeker of the Truth,
Ever since its launch in April 2005, Our Ultimate Reality has touched, and frequently completely changed the lives of countless people. Every day I feel blessed to receive messages from people all over the world and from all life situations and challenges who, having read Our Ultimate Reality, are now enjoying the life they could not have previously thought possible, having finally realised the true nature of reality, how to enjoy a life on Earth of health, joy and abundance, and above all, destiny.
Our Ultimate Reality, Life, the Universe and the Destiny of Mankind is a 572 page book culminating from my own 40 years of sincere and open-minded seeking, finding and receiving the truth from many reliable inner and outer sources, and from my own many life experiences, including applying The Law of Attraction to attract abundance, a near death experience, and many profound "Higher" or more correctly "Inner" experiences that eventually led me to writing this book for you that you may benefit as well, but without the decades of seeking. Our Ultimate Reality is nothing less than your fasttrack to success both in physical life and in your individual evolution.
During the course of your voyage of discovery through Our Ultimate Reality you will learn the truth about yourself, the true nature of reality and of the Universe in all of its glorious spheres of life and reality, and of your true destiny and most importantly how to realise your destiny for yourself, thus learning and realising the true meaning of Life, the Universe and Destiny of Mankind.
Learn More Visit:
Ever since its launch in April 2005, Our Ultimate Reality has touched, and frequently completely changed the lives of countless people. Every day I feel blessed to receive messages from people all over the world and from all life situations and challenges who, having read Our Ultimate Reality, are now enjoying the life they could not have previously thought possible, having finally realised the true nature of reality, how to enjoy a life on Earth of health, joy and abundance, and above all, destiny.
Our Ultimate Reality, Life, the Universe and the Destiny of Mankind is a 572 page book culminating from my own 40 years of sincere and open-minded seeking, finding and receiving the truth from many reliable inner and outer sources, and from my own many life experiences, including applying The Law of Attraction to attract abundance, a near death experience, and many profound "Higher" or more correctly "Inner" experiences that eventually led me to writing this book for you that you may benefit as well, but without the decades of seeking. Our Ultimate Reality is nothing less than your fasttrack to success both in physical life and in your individual evolution.
During the course of your voyage of discovery through Our Ultimate Reality you will learn the truth about yourself, the true nature of reality and of the Universe in all of its glorious spheres of life and reality, and of your true destiny and most importantly how to realise your destiny for yourself, thus learning and realising the true meaning of Life, the Universe and Destiny of Mankind.
Learn More Visit:
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Develop Your Own Powers
Every human being, without exception, as well as many animals have been endowed with "God-given" psychic, clairvoyant, telepathic and other profound abilities to use at will; they simply need unlocking with the right key.
Why keep phoning "psychic hotlines" costing dollars per minute, when you cannot even be sure whether the "psychic" on the other end is even genuine, many are not, when for less than the cost of a single call to a psychic hotline you can develop your own natural psychic ability to use anytime.
Don't let anyone tell you that you have to be "special" or "gifted" or "come from a "psychic family" to enjoy the benefit of psychic powers; it simply is not true; anyone making such a claim is misleading you for some reason.
To Learn More Visit:
Develop Your Own Powers Website
Why keep phoning "psychic hotlines" costing dollars per minute, when you cannot even be sure whether the "psychic" on the other end is even genuine, many are not, when for less than the cost of a single call to a psychic hotline you can develop your own natural psychic ability to use anytime.
Don't let anyone tell you that you have to be "special" or "gifted" or "come from a "psychic family" to enjoy the benefit of psychic powers; it simply is not true; anyone making such a claim is misleading you for some reason.
To Learn More Visit:
Develop Your Own Powers Website
Your Dreams Revealed
Dreams are said to be your mind's way of making sense of the various issues it deals with on a day to day basis-whether it is work, family, health, or relationships. Dreams help sort out all the information and events that you are subject to during your day creating a way for a person, free of conscious limitations, to understand what is really going on, to solve problems, to gain clarity and insight into a situation, issue, or person.
Your Dreams Revealed explores thousands of dream images so that the dreamer can attain a better understanding of himself, his world, and his life. the dreamer is able to understand the emotional content, the symbolism, and the reason for each dream image.
Learn More Visit:
Your Dreams Revealed Website
Your Dreams Revealed explores thousands of dream images so that the dreamer can attain a better understanding of himself, his world, and his life. the dreamer is able to understand the emotional content, the symbolism, and the reason for each dream image.
Learn More Visit:
Your Dreams Revealed Website
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Spiritual Growth
Spiritual Growth - Private Study
Spiritual Growth is directed towards an inner growth. New thoughts, ideas and understanding of yourself and how to work with energies in your daily life to increase your intuition and self awareness.
Easy explained; we do all work with energies, Every day! Either unconsciously or conscious. The information and exercises in this course can quickly become a part of your daily ritual to strengthen your own contact with yourself.
The exercises are used by many spiritual people who know how important it is to work with themselves and their energies.
There are Many different energies you can get in contact with and get a greater understanding of. Spiritual Growth will help you to build up your own understanding of different energies. You can also get many "aha" experiences when you start to work with yourself and start to seek for the hidden knowledge that we all carry within.
When we think about spiritual growth; it starts by etc. taking a course or some lessons to find answers or to get new thoughts and ideas about things. Usually because we see that our old thoughts doesn't work as we wish. The information in a course stores inside of us and we return to our daily life again, but with a new knowledge. It's in the daily life we start to test our new information and knowledge to see if it's right for us. We choose what to take in and what to leave behind.
When this process is done you've taken a step forward on the spiritual road and you can again take other spiritual courses or just seek inwards into yourself to get to the next step. There are always something new to learn, and that is a good thing!
Continue to develop.
Spiritual Growth is directed towards an inner growth. New thoughts, ideas and understanding of yourself and how to work with energies in your daily life to increase your intuition and self awareness.
Easy explained; we do all work with energies, Every day! Either unconsciously or conscious. The information and exercises in this course can quickly become a part of your daily ritual to strengthen your own contact with yourself.
The exercises are used by many spiritual people who know how important it is to work with themselves and their energies.
There are Many different energies you can get in contact with and get a greater understanding of. Spiritual Growth will help you to build up your own understanding of different energies. You can also get many "aha" experiences when you start to work with yourself and start to seek for the hidden knowledge that we all carry within.
When we think about spiritual growth; it starts by etc. taking a course or some lessons to find answers or to get new thoughts and ideas about things. Usually because we see that our old thoughts doesn't work as we wish. The information in a course stores inside of us and we return to our daily life again, but with a new knowledge. It's in the daily life we start to test our new information and knowledge to see if it's right for us. We choose what to take in and what to leave behind.
When this process is done you've taken a step forward on the spiritual road and you can again take other spiritual courses or just seek inwards into yourself to get to the next step. There are always something new to learn, and that is a good thing!
Continue to develop.
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