Sunday, December 21, 2008
Monday, December 08, 2008
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Amazing Pictures from Space
These pictures taken by Hubble & Spitzer Space Telescopes
are just so Amazing! I really recommend you to take a look:
Hubble & Spitzer Space Telescopes
are just so Amazing! I really recommend you to take a look:
Hubble & Spitzer Space Telescopes
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Sky Show Nov. 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, Dec. 1 2008
Special Events I just had to share!
Open the Mp3 file first and listen while
you look at the article and the pictures:
Spectacular Conjunction Sound
Spectacular Conjunction Article
Open the Mp3 file first and listen while
you look at the article and the pictures:
Spectacular Conjunction Sound
Spectacular Conjunction Article
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Gateways of Light
A powerful Spiritual Awakening is happening across our planet with people in all walks of life rapidly peeling away their veils of limitation and finding inner completeness. A higher vibrational reality awaits us based on unconditional love, joy and mutual respect for all life. So how can we join this higher paradigm? This new web-based mini movie “Gateways of Light” addresses this most important issue of our time…
The 12 Keys of Spiritual Activism
1. All Action MUST be Based on Compassion
When championing a Cause, the mindset must be altruistic and the motivating emotion must be positive. Spiritual Activism is action for the benefit of something, not against something.
"When you have a pro-peace rally, I will be there."
~ Mother Theresa's response to a question about why she did not attend an anti-war rally.
2. Compassion Flows from the Understanding of the Connection Between All Living Beings
We are all connected through our shared Humanity. When you learn to see that our differences are superficial and our similarities manifest, sympathy (or worse, pity) gives way to compassion. Our actions shift from one of "us helping them" to one of "for the good of All". We become One.
"The whole idea of compassion is based on a keen awareness of the interdependence of all these living beings, which are all part of one another, and all involved in one another."
~ Thomas Merton
3. Compassion Must Be Applied With Wisdom
There are more Causes that exist than an individual or group can possibly be involved with. It is important to choose your causes carefully. Learn to Act instead of React.
"That is true wisdom, to know how to alter one's mind when occasion demands it."
~ Terence
4. Apply Synergy and Teamwork to Accomplish Goals
Synergy is the process where two or more actions combine to produce an effect greater than the sum of its individual parts. Like ripples in a pond, spiritual actions combine and build on each other to magnify an effect beyond what each could do individually. Whenever possible, team up with others to acquire a multifaceted and more holistic approach.
"The whole is greater than the sum of the parts."
~ Unknown
5. Spiritual Activism is the Pursuit of Service for the Good of All, Not for the Advancement or Benefit of Individuals or Selected Communities
The mindset behind your actions must be noble, holistic, Universal and non-partisan. Be mindful that ego and self-service have no place in Spiritual Activism.
"Common folk, not statesmen, nor generals nor great men of affairs, but just simple plain men and women, can do something to build a better, peaceful world. The future hope of peace lies with such personal service."
~ Henry Cadbury
"Reverence for Life affords me my fundamental principle of morality, namely, that good consists in maintaining, assisting, and enhancing life and that to destroy, harm, or to hinder life is evil. Affirmation of the world -- that is affirmation of the will to live, which appears in phenomenal forms all around me -- is only possible for me in that I give myself out for other life."
~ Albert Schweitzer
6. Pursue Integrity, Honesty and Dignity in the Conduct of Your Actions
Embrace Mindfulness in the application of your activities and be aware of how your actions may be perceived by others. Machiavelli's "The ends justify the means" has no place in Spiritual Activism. If our methods are not noble, our results will not be either. Practice Spiritual Transparency, allowing negative energies to bypass your system without harming it.
"Integrity is doing the right thing even if no one is watching."
~ Unknown
7. Do not Defame Your Detractors or Those Who Doubt You
A confrontational approach leads to a defensive reaction. Approach others with Openness and Compassion in your heart. Build on the commonalities between you instead of focusing on the differences. As much as possible, detach yourself from the results of your actions. Aspire to always be a Peacemaker.
"Honest differences are often a healthy sign of progress."
~ Mahatma Gandhi
"An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind."
~ Mahatma Gandhi
8. Raising Another Up Raises You Up As Well
Helping another becomes a form of self-love as well as an expression of outward love. This becomes an upwardly spiraling cycle of increasing awareness, connection, compassion, involvement, capacity, and back to increasing awareness.
"Oh, Divine Master,
Grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console;
To be understood, as to understand;
To be loved, as to love;
For it is in giving that we receive,
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned."
~Saint Francis Prayer
"Compassionate action involves working with ourselves as much as working with others."
~ Pema Chodron
9. Learn to Listen to Your Heart and Not Your Mind
You mind may only see the problem. Your heart will always feel the solution. Learn to act with Faith and cultivate a loving perception when facing collective problems.
"Faith is taking the first step, even when you don't see the whole staircase."
~ Martin Luther King, Jr.
10. Search Out Viable and Sustainable Solutions
Seek out solutions that maintain or restores the dignity of individual human and their communities. The goal of Spiritual Activism is to raise another up, not make them dependant.
"Give a man a fish and he eats for a day. Teach a man to fish and he eats for a lifetime."
~ Jesus
"We have not inherited the world from our forefathers. We have borrowed it from our children."
~ Kashmiri proverb
11. Do Not Judge Yourself Simply By The Results Of Your Actions
Maintain a sense of detachment as to overall results. Embrace mindfulness as you intentionally diminish a judging attitude while keeping watchfulness on the gates of your heart. The ultimate goal of Spiritual Activism is to unconditionally raise the understanding and support of Humanity, with no exceptions. This achievement is larger than any individual. While individual projects can be completed, the sum is so much greater than its parts. Learn to see yourself not on where you have reached, but on the Path you are traveling. There is real fulfillment in just being called to serve humanitarian and spiritual causes.
"Every man stamps his value on himself. Man is made great or small by his own will."
~ JCF von Schiller
" The most precious gift we can offer others is our presence. When mindfulness embraces those we love, they will bloom like flowers."
~ Thich Nhat Hanh
12. Let Metta Be The Motivation For Your Actions
If you cultivate Metta (the practice of loving-kindness) in your heart, you will succeed. The Intention that is the motivating force behind your actions is paramount. Start from a position of pure and altruistic Love.
"A positive future cannot emerge from the mind of anger of despair"
~ Dalai Lama
"Kindness in giving creates Love."
~ Lao Tzu
Humanity Healing Foundation
Thursday, November 13, 2008
5 Important Spiritual Knowledges:
1 - To really hear your inner voice.
(You have to learn to be silent!)
2 - Dreams is a source for self help.
(Manifest your experiences in a notebook!)
3 - Intuition is the space between your thoughts.
(Let the mind go and surrenders to the present moment!)
4 - Imagination is our gateway to awareness.
(Pay attention and listen to what you are saying and thinking!)
5 - You know what's true for you in your soul.
(Live your life consciously, in every moment in our life!)
Spiritual Courses
(You have to learn to be silent!)
2 - Dreams is a source for self help.
(Manifest your experiences in a notebook!)
3 - Intuition is the space between your thoughts.
(Let the mind go and surrenders to the present moment!)
4 - Imagination is our gateway to awareness.
(Pay attention and listen to what you are saying and thinking!)
5 - You know what's true for you in your soul.
(Live your life consciously, in every moment in our life!)
Spiritual Courses
Saturday, November 08, 2008
Life In The Universe #1: Just On Earth, Or Everywhere?
This is the first episode of a series on life in the universe. Looking for life in the universe isn't like looking for your car keys. It's hard to know where to even start. The best place to start is probably by NOT trying to find alien civilizations, but rather ANY kind of life we can.
The problem is, civilizations live and die in the blink of an eye compared to the lifecycles of stars. They could come and go and we'd never know it...
The problem is, civilizations live and die in the blink of an eye compared to the lifecycles of stars. They could come and go and we'd never know it...
At Last Scientists Are Discovering The Soul - Deepak Chopra

Think of a sunset… As soon as you see this image there is a binary code of photons coding for that experience in your brain. Think of a dark room with the flame of a candle.
Now if I were able to look inside your brain, there would be no candle there - just a binary code of photons flickering on and off. The question is, where was that image before I asked you to think of it? The point I am trying to make is that when I ask you to envisage a sunset or a candle flame, before you remember it that information is not in your brain. The information shows up in your brain as soon as you have the intention to remember. So where was it before that? It existed as potential in consciousness but it wasn’t in your brain.
My memories therefore are not in my brain. This is a very important point because the reductionist model says our memories are in our brains. Why does it say that? Because when the brain is damaged people have damaged memories - whether through Alzheimer’s disease, or a comatose state, or through drunkenness.
But the argument is fallacious: it’s the same thing as saying my radio set is damaged and no music is coming out, therefore the music must be manufactured by my radio. The radio doesn’t manufacture the music; it only actualises the music. My television set doesn’t manufacture all those people that I see inside the box; it only actualises them from somewhere else. So, too, your brain is not the source of your thoughts.
Your brain is a quantum instrument that causes the collapse of wave functions that exist as possibilities before you actualise them as space-time events. So your brain takes possibilities and actualises them into space-time events. It’s a quantum instrument that converts possibility into actuality. It takes the unmanifest and makes it manifest, both in imagination and also as sensory experience.
What is a space-time event? It is a frozen moment of intention
All perception is the collapse of wave functions in a sea of possibilities constantly transforming and moving, and my perception freezes that external reality, but even by the time I have perceived it it has moved on. It’s just a moving phenomenon in the sea of possibilities.
So what is in this world of discontinuity?
All things exist as a sea of infinite possibilities and all exist as pure potential. Potential has no beginning and no ending. It exists as potential.
Science says, first there is matter, then there is energy and then there is information. What is information? Information is a sea of possibilities waiting to be asked questions. That’s what information is. Is the universe wave-like? Is the universe particle-like? Well, it depends on your question. If you do an experiment that is wave-like then it’s wave-like. If you do an experiment that is particle-like then it’s particle-like, and it’s never both simultaneously. That’s the essence of Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle.
Whether it is particle-like or wave-like depends on the question. Before you ask the question - what is it like, particle-like or wave-like? - it exists as both potentially.
It is your question that compels the universe to make a choice. Before you ask the question the universe hasn’t made a choice. As soon as you make the choice the universe is compelled to respond. So at the most fundamental levels of nature, the universe is a sea of infinite possibilities that are compelled to make choices for space-time events once you ask the question. The universe is a big question mark before it becomes actual.
An interesting phenomenon that scientists are now totally comfortable with is a phenomenon called ‘non-local correlation’. Non-local correlation was something that was accidentally described by Einstein in his attempt to actually invalidate quantum physics.
Einstein was very uncomfortable with certain aspects of quantum physics. One of them was non-local correlation. Another was Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle. In fact, when Heisenberg went to explain the uncertainty principle to Einstein, he made that famous comment, "God doesn’t play dice with the universe," because our mechanistic laws say if we know enough about the universe we will be able to predict everything.
In a nutshell, non-local correlation works like this:
if you have two sub-atomic particles, A and B, and they collide, they exchange a little energy and information, so A becomes A1 and B becomes B1: they are slightly changed, just like when you and I collide we are slightly changed, we exchange information and energy also, so you are not the same person quite and I am not the same person quite. At the most fundamental levels, when sub-atomic particles collide they exchange energy and information; then let’s say A1 starts to move to one end of the universe and B1 moves to the other end of the universe, but for all of eternity they remain instantly correlated.
Instantly correlated means that if I know what A1 is doing I will be able to tell you what B1 is doing. If I know where A1 is I will be able to tell you where B1 is. That knowing a quality of behaviour of A1 I will be able to tell you a quality of behaviour of B1.
Now where Einstein differed was that he said it is just a mathematical correlation and that there is no mystery to this. Furthermore, the correlation is unmediated, which means there is no mediation of energy from here to here that tells me that by knowing one I can know what the other is doing. So, it is unmediated and it is unmitigated - unmitigated means that there is no diminution of the robustness of the correlation - with distance in space.
Normally, when you employ energy signals or electromagnetic signals the Law of Inverse Proportions comes into play - so the further you have two objects that are correlated with each other (like gravity for example), the weaker the signal gets, and it gets weaker in inverse proportion to the square root of the distance. But unmitigated means there is no diminution in the robustness of the correlation. It remains the same no matter how far you go.
Distance in Space is also Distance in Time
When I look at the night sky I might be seeing a star that is fifteen million light years away, which means that I am looking at something that existed fifteen million years ago. If it blew itself out five million years ago I won’t know that for another five million years because when I am looking at the night sky I am looking at the past. Distance in space is also distance in time; but unmitigated means the robustness of the correlation moves outside the boundaries of space-time: it is instant. So the third property of the correlation is that it is instantaneous.
Einstein believed this was only a mathematical concept, but then John Bell came along and proved it beyond doubt. It is now an established fact that there is a fundamental level in nature where everything is instantly correlated with everything else. This gives us mathematical and experimental proof of what we could call omniscience or omnipresence or omnipotence - where everything is correlated, everything is organised, everything is connected instantly with everything else.
I’ll tell you why Einstein was uncomfortable with this: it was because he was thinking in terms of all phenomena existing in space-time, but what this is describing is a domain that is beyond space-time and causality, outside the domains of space-time. Now scientists totally acknowledge that you cannot explain biology without invoking non-local correlation. How does the human body think thoughts, play a piano, kill germs, remove toxins and gestate a baby all at the same time? And whilst it’s doing all that it correlates every activity with every other activity, all instantaneously without mediating the activity of your liver cell with your kidney cell, with the manufacture of the new baby.
Not only that, but your body is tracking the movement of stars whilst it’s doing this because the biological rhythms that you call your body are actually the rhythms of the ecosystem and the universe. Everything is correlated with everything else, and it’s not only correlated with everything else: it’s instantly correlated. There is no time, there’s no energy involved because energy is in space-time.
It’s without the use of time signals or energy signals: it’s instantaneous. It is the basis of what we call synchronicity. Non-local correlations are the most impressive and most dominant aspect of nature’s activity. It is totally understood mathematically; it is totally understood in terms of quantum physics - it is totally understood experimentally.

In the first part of this article we explained synchronicity and that non-local correlations are the most impressive and most dominant aspect of nature’s activity. In the second part we will introduce you to the concepts of uncertainty and the observer effect.
What Is Uncertainty?
Another property of discontinuity is a proliferation of uncertainty. The deeper you go into the discontinuity the more uncertain it becomes. Let’s look at Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle: all phenomena are simultaneously wave-like and particle-like until you do the experiment, and then they are one or the other. If you measure one, then you preclude yourself from knowing what the other is.
So if I measure the position then I preclude myself from knowing the momentum. If I know it as a particle then I cannot know it as a wave at the same time. It has nothing to do with the limitations of our experimental methodologies; it has to do with the laws of nature. It doesn’t behave particle-like or wave-like until I ask the question.
Furthermore, when I start to do calculations at this level of nature I have to use irrational numbers. An irrational number is a number that you cannot conceptualise. So infinity is an irrational number: you can’t conceptualise it. Pi is an irrational number because it has infinite decimal places. The square root of -31 is an irrational number. I can’t imagine what that would be but I can do calculations. In order to calculate fundamental behaviours of the universe, I have to use irrational numbers that I cannot conceptualise.
And even though the margin of error is very little, the margin of the error multiplies when I extrapolate from fundamental levels of behaviour to macroscopic levels of behaviour. So, in fact, the more I examine the levels of existence at the most fundamental levels, they become more and more and more uncertain. It’s like God says to me, "At this point in time I am not going to reveal my secrets to you. I am going to allow you to come this far but from now on you have got to trust me, and I am not going to tell you any more.
Uncertainty is actually the reason for creativity at this level, which is the fourth property of the quantum domain. It is creative. And it’s creative because of the proliferation of uncertainty. If you are certain about everything, where is the room for creativity? Creativity starts with uncertainty. If I know everything then that’s the end of the story, but if I don’t know then there is room for creativity, and the more I don’t know the more room there is for creativity. So at this level nature’s creativity is based on the proliferation of uncertainty. This creativity is quantum in character.
What does that mean? It has something to do with healing because all healing is biological creativity. All healing is biological creativity. Nature is constantly creating.
Just Look Outside: All this Creation is Happening Right Now
It didn’t happen once upon a time; it is happening at this moment. At quantum levels photons are collapsing, wave functions are precipitating as space-time events, and our brains are quantum instruments that are translating the collapse of wave functions into … a tree. But that tree is actually being born and is dying at the speed of light right now. God is creating it.
If you don’t believe in God then a causal non-local quantum mechanical interrelated field is creating it!
But some mystery is creating it and it’s doing it right now. The whole of creation is happening right now. Not only is it happening right now but some emergent property will emerge which is totally unpredictable as that creativity continues, because creativity repeats itself, the patterns of collapse are repeated and then suddenly there are quantum jumps and those quantum jumps are called emergent properties. That means they didn’t exist before and you didn’t know what they were going to be before they existed.
Let’s Look at Biological Evolution
We see it is punctuated by these discontinuities. Discontinuities in quantum physics are when a sub-atomic particle moves from one place to another without going through the space in between. So now it’s here and then it’s there and it didn’t go through here or there. And also it’s instantaneous: as soon as it disappears here it shows up there without any time-lag.
If you have ever watched the American TV programme called Star Trek, you know that when Captain Kirk says, "Beam me up, Scottie," Scottie presses a button and Kirk disappears from here and shows up in another galaxy - and there is no time-lag. That’s called a quantum leap in physics. It’s happening all the time.
At the beginning of this article, I had you create quantum leaps in imagination. I asked you to think of a sunset, think of a candle in a dark room - those were quantum leaps in your imagination. Patterns of photons that were behaving in certain ways switched to behaving in other ways with no time-lag. Like that, nature ‘imagines’ through quantum leaps. So the transition from amphibians to birds is a quantum leap in nature’s imagination.
Classical Darwinian evolution would say an amphibian acquired feathers because it wanted to escape predators by flying - survival of the fittest - but actually acquiring feathers is a biological disadvantage. It makes the creature more cumbersome. It also has to acquire a new metabolic rate because the metabolic rate of a flying creature is completely different from the metabolic rate of an amphibian.
It requires a new musculoskeletal system; it requires, of course, wings; it requires navigational skills. Everything about an amphibian is different from everything about a bird. So that transition has to be simultaneous; the metabolic rate, the feathers, the musculoskeletal system: all of that transition has to be simultaneous. Each of these has to be non-locally correlated with the other and it has to be sudden, otherwise the bird will fall prey to the predator. It requires the simultaneity of non-local correlated events. Otherwise there is no bird in evolution.
Similarly, the transition from primates to human beings: here we are sitting as human beings and there are chimpanzees out there who share 99.999% of the same DNA. But as far as we know, chimpanzees don’t ask themselves who God is and whether they have a soul, or what the nature of existence is. That took a quantum leap. The creativity of nature is quantum.
The Final Point is the Observer Effect
The observer effect means that unless and until the moment of observation the universe exists only as a possibility. Until you observe it, in other words without a conscious sentient being, the universe doesn’t exist. This is John Wheeler’s contribution.
Wheeler was a student of Einstein; he is now 93 years old. He is one of the greatest giants of physics of the last century. He says that the universe remains ambiguous, a ceaselessly flowing quantum soup, until a conscious being observes it. The conscious being could be a honeybee or a chameleon, or it could be you. That without consciousness the universe does not manufacture itself into physical form.
The points I have discussed above are the qualities of your soul. Why? Because your soul is not a thing; it is a field of infinite possibilities. Your soul is omniscient, your soul proliferates and embraces uncertainty in order to create, and your soul is co-creating with God. God remains unmanifest unless you participate.
What is the definition of a soul? The soul is the observer that interprets and makes choices. If you want to expand it a little bit, say it interprets through memory and makes choices through desire.
The five soul attributes are:
1. Field of infinite possibilities
2. Omniscient (or correlates non-locally)
3. Embraces uncertainty
4. Infinite source of creativity
5. Co-creates with God and co-creates with the mystery
Everyone has an observer; everyone is observing based on memory and interpretation and is making choices based on desire; and everyone has that common ground which is infinite possibilities, non-local correlations, uncertainty, procreation and creativity. That’s what the soul is.
What is the Difference Between the Soul and the Mind?
The mind is the process of observation. The soul is the observer. What is the physical reality including that of the body? It’s the object of observation. You observe through your mind and you observe the body and you observe other bodies. But remember that other bodies and everything else that you observe are a translation of bodily processes in your own self by your nervous system.
So when I observe you out there, actually I am observing bodily processes in my mind that I interpret as you. So everything happens in our body, mind and soul. The observer is the soul, the process is the mind, and the physical body is the object.
Deepak Chopra is Director of Education at the Chopra Center, which offers training programmes in mind-body medicine, and is author of many books, most recently Grow Younger, Live Longer.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Central Sun Initiation Ceremonies
The Masters of the Matrix extend being to the highest wishes and the ascension of the planet. the Lighted Pathway is through the Goldring. You are chosen to pass through the Veil and be a Teacher of Light and a shining One. You are in the Realm of the Initiations. You are being given the codes, keys, symbols, tones and information to burn away the old and rise up into the higher spirit..
Central Sun: Guided Meditation CD
Central Sun: Guided Meditation CD
What is the point of us being here on Earth?
Do people born without wisdom teeth have evolved DNA? Do wormholes actually exist and if so how do they work?
These questions and more are asked by subscribers and are responded to by the White Winged Collective Consciousness of Nine, through Magenta Pixie...
These questions and more are asked by subscribers and are responded to by the White Winged Collective Consciousness of Nine, through Magenta Pixie...
2012 Harvest and ET Contracts Ending
Scott Mandelker speaks about ET contracts and agreements to be here on Earth for a certain number of lifetimes, are coming to an end now. He speaks about how earth is translating to a higher level of reality in the years around 2012. Scott also speaks about how this planet Earth is a schoolhouse for the development of awareness, as most planets are...
Universal Vision: Soul Evolution and the Cosmic Plan
Universal Vision: Soul Evolution and the Cosmic Plan
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
Friday, October 03, 2008
A Mind-blowing spiritual life?
Do you have a mind-blowing spiritual life
Would you like to learn by best spiritual growth lessons
so that you can see how to experience a spiritual awakening.
I don't know if you have read any spiritual books
, or where you stand today as a spiritual person
, but I do know that you doesn't have to be psychic, to start a new and wonderful spiritual journey
within Yourself!
There are no specific spiritual laws
that you need to know about to become a spiritual being, Because You already are a very advanced spiritual soul
We do all have our spiritual needs
, to find a spiritual direction
or a spiritual guide
in our life and to find our spiritual self
You should know that there are no spiritual living
being that doesn't need spiritual guidance
or spiritual help
some times in their lifetime. We all need it.
It isn't always so easy to find our inner spiritual power
, even if you know several hundreds of spiritual meditations
But Spiritual enlightenment
is more than a simple meditation, it is about your own spiritual light
and it is about your spiritual awareness
that makes you have a real spiritual experience
Try to find your own spiritual path
, so that you can choose the spiritual life
that you choose for yourself.
Your spiritual home
is your, spiritual body
, your spiritual heart
and your spiritual mind
Search for spiritual wisdom
that feels right for You and ask your higher self
for a spiritual cleansing
that can help you to start a spiritual journey
that is right for you!
So Maybe you should search for a spiritual teacher
that can learn you some advanced spiritual lessons
The choice is always individual and we need to choose from our hearts.
Let yourself experience a spiritual transformation
and search for other spiritual beings
that can help you, Teach you and inspire you.
Would you like to learn by best spiritual growth lessons
I don't know if you have read any spiritual books
There are no specific spiritual laws
We do all have our spiritual needs
You should know that there are no spiritual living
It isn't always so easy to find our inner spiritual power
But Spiritual enlightenment
Try to find your own spiritual path
Your spiritual home
Search for spiritual wisdom
So Maybe you should search for a spiritual teacher
The choice is always individual and we need to choose from our hearts.
Let yourself experience a spiritual transformation
New Spiritual Lessons and Wisdom
Thursday, October 02, 2008
Spiritual Chakra Mini Report
This is a Mini Report about our chakras and different
spiritual points on our body! What they Represents and
are Connected To (The different chakras and body parts)!
Plus The Spiritual Game (Mental role play to increase your consciousness.)
There are only Pictures and «Facts» \ «What I Belief»
Represented in this report! So You Need To
Remember to carry your own belief!
spiritual points on our body! What they Represents and
are Connected To (The different chakras and body parts)!
Plus The Spiritual Game (Mental role play to increase your consciousness.)
There are only Pictures and «Facts» \ «What I Belief»
Represented in this report! So You Need To
Remember to carry your own belief!
Monday, September 29, 2008
Basic Strategies for Self Development
A basic strategy for self-development is anything that will help guide you with improving self-development. Be successful and proud of the way you handle things that concern your life strategies.
To find the basic strategy to help you succeed, look for tips to help you set goals, exercise. Alternatively, what ever fits your needs?
Stress is known to be the main cause for people to lose their inner powers in making good decisions on how they perform for a healthy life. Stressors will cause people to lose self-control in making decisions, less sleep at night, lack of energy and poor health. Find what is really causing you to have a low level in self-development skills. Learn why your self-healing powers are interfering to cause you to be unhappy in life.
Jump into your inner powers and find the real reason why you have problems with your self-development skills in making decisions and etc.
By finding these reasons, you can make constructive changes to turn them around and improve your skills for self-healing. Think positive as you ask yourself why you are unhappy and how can you change for success?
Is your weight, career, children, or even home environment causing you stress that you can control or eliminate. Remember there are stressors and than there are other stressors; some can be eliminated and some we have no control over. If you can make changes to get rid of them, find the strategy that will eliminate them for happiness. The ones that are uncontrollable use basis strategies to thrive on them to help you focus better.
Come up with a couple of list one for uncontrollable and one for eliminating stress. Focus on each on and decide what you truly need to do for relieving them. For the uncontrollable ones find a strategy that will help you in making the right decision on how to handle each one. For instance do your children have problems that stress you out to the point all you want to do is help them. First of all, we worry about our children on a daily basis, which is normal for some of us. Worrying is not going to help anyone especially you. It does not help our children when we worry about how they live. We have no control of their lives outside our home. Try to focus on things in your home and let them live their life to relieve the stress that their problems have caused you. Let your children live their life and you live yours. Learning to thrive on stress is the next thing we have to do for happiness.
To thrive on stress make some goals and actives to relieve you mind for making better decisions on how you live. When we make goals, we tend to focus on reaching them, which help to give us something besides problems that we cannot do anything about. Using goals for a strategy to help lose weight or exercise to strengthen our heart or joints will improve self-development skills. As you reach your goal for losing weight, or become stronger to move with ease, we feel better about our actions and can see success. When you can see success as checking off a goal when reached it will give you more energy to reach another one.
There is stress everyday that interferes with the way we perform. Some are controllable and can be eliminated when you learn to focus and make good decisions. As your self-development improves, decisions will be more constructive by using basic strategies. Find the basic strategy to control your controllable stresses by relieving and learning to thrive on stress.
Become the happy and healthier person you want to be when using basic strategies for self-development.
Strategies for Self Development Ebook
To find the basic strategy to help you succeed, look for tips to help you set goals, exercise. Alternatively, what ever fits your needs?
Stress is known to be the main cause for people to lose their inner powers in making good decisions on how they perform for a healthy life. Stressors will cause people to lose self-control in making decisions, less sleep at night, lack of energy and poor health. Find what is really causing you to have a low level in self-development skills. Learn why your self-healing powers are interfering to cause you to be unhappy in life.
Jump into your inner powers and find the real reason why you have problems with your self-development skills in making decisions and etc.
By finding these reasons, you can make constructive changes to turn them around and improve your skills for self-healing. Think positive as you ask yourself why you are unhappy and how can you change for success?
Is your weight, career, children, or even home environment causing you stress that you can control or eliminate. Remember there are stressors and than there are other stressors; some can be eliminated and some we have no control over. If you can make changes to get rid of them, find the strategy that will eliminate them for happiness. The ones that are uncontrollable use basis strategies to thrive on them to help you focus better.
Come up with a couple of list one for uncontrollable and one for eliminating stress. Focus on each on and decide what you truly need to do for relieving them. For the uncontrollable ones find a strategy that will help you in making the right decision on how to handle each one. For instance do your children have problems that stress you out to the point all you want to do is help them. First of all, we worry about our children on a daily basis, which is normal for some of us. Worrying is not going to help anyone especially you. It does not help our children when we worry about how they live. We have no control of their lives outside our home. Try to focus on things in your home and let them live their life to relieve the stress that their problems have caused you. Let your children live their life and you live yours. Learning to thrive on stress is the next thing we have to do for happiness.
To thrive on stress make some goals and actives to relieve you mind for making better decisions on how you live. When we make goals, we tend to focus on reaching them, which help to give us something besides problems that we cannot do anything about. Using goals for a strategy to help lose weight or exercise to strengthen our heart or joints will improve self-development skills. As you reach your goal for losing weight, or become stronger to move with ease, we feel better about our actions and can see success. When you can see success as checking off a goal when reached it will give you more energy to reach another one.
There is stress everyday that interferes with the way we perform. Some are controllable and can be eliminated when you learn to focus and make good decisions. As your self-development improves, decisions will be more constructive by using basic strategies. Find the basic strategy to control your controllable stresses by relieving and learning to thrive on stress.
Become the happy and healthier person you want to be when using basic strategies for self-development.
Strategies for Self Development Ebook
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Energy Development and Self Healing
Energy development is important for self-healing. The reason is when you build your metabolic system you are improving your life sustaining. To build system however you must learn a few energy development practices in self-healing.
Some of the basic practices are commonsense, since your body and mind needs exercise and proper nutrition to survive. When you do not take care of your body and mind, by ignoring its basic needs, you are only causing your body harm.
You can focus on exercising the mind firstly to build your motivation to start healing your body.
Mind exercises in energy development and self-healing practices- in how it works:
To begin mind exercises think about what it will take to encourage living cells to continue reproducing and replacing dying cells. After you turn 30, living cells slow its production and dying cells increase its production, which means your life is shorten. To promote living cells you will need to keep your brain active, focusing on positive things that will encourage you to take action.
Mind exercises in energy development and inner strength-healing affirmative action- in how it works:
You have a few options in brain training, which includes writing, meditation, and accelerated practices and so on. Search the Internet to learn some of your options. Look for self-development practices that will lead you to discover what your brain needs to encourage your body to heal.
When you research, you learn something new, which is a great exercise for your brain. With each piece of knowledge you take in, your brain will reward you with positive thinking that encourages energy.
When you research think of something about you that you want to change and then go online to find out information about this issue. When you learn something new about you, you can take steps to build energy and heal the body and mind. You can practice meditation also to encourage energy and self-healing. In addition, when you meditate you explore the mind, learning something new about you. You develop new skills, new ideas and so on that encourage your brain to welcome rejuvenated energies.
Into the bargain, when you cogitate you explore your mind, learning something new about you. This is a practice in subliminal exploring or learning. You expand new credentials, new ideas and so on that propose your brain to congenial re-energized natural and positive energies.
This is the key points in exercising the brain that will benefit you and help you to see how you can heal the body and mind.
How learning more about you benefits you in energy development and self-healing:
Learning who you are is essential in discovering techniques to improve your overall life and health. Take time now to learn tactics you can use to learn more about you. Include meditation in your daily schedule to increase your pace at healing your body and mind.
Energy betterment is critical for self-assurance-healing. Some of the intrinsic practices we can use to benefit our life are based on our own innate understanding. Take time to explore subliminal learning to learn more about what you know, what skills you can develop and how connecting with your subconscious mind will benefit you.
Your body and mind needs sporting and proper nutrition to survive. For this reason, you need to consider and devise a plan to focus on diet and exercise. If you exercise the body you build muscles, healthy bones, joints, etc and you also encourage living cells and the metabolic system to continue producing what you need to survive healthy. To learn more take some time to explore subliminal exploring in energy development and self-healing.
Some of the basic practices are commonsense, since your body and mind needs exercise and proper nutrition to survive. When you do not take care of your body and mind, by ignoring its basic needs, you are only causing your body harm.
You can focus on exercising the mind firstly to build your motivation to start healing your body.
Mind exercises in energy development and self-healing practices- in how it works:
To begin mind exercises think about what it will take to encourage living cells to continue reproducing and replacing dying cells. After you turn 30, living cells slow its production and dying cells increase its production, which means your life is shorten. To promote living cells you will need to keep your brain active, focusing on positive things that will encourage you to take action.
Mind exercises in energy development and inner strength-healing affirmative action- in how it works:
You have a few options in brain training, which includes writing, meditation, and accelerated practices and so on. Search the Internet to learn some of your options. Look for self-development practices that will lead you to discover what your brain needs to encourage your body to heal.
When you research, you learn something new, which is a great exercise for your brain. With each piece of knowledge you take in, your brain will reward you with positive thinking that encourages energy.
When you research think of something about you that you want to change and then go online to find out information about this issue. When you learn something new about you, you can take steps to build energy and heal the body and mind. You can practice meditation also to encourage energy and self-healing. In addition, when you meditate you explore the mind, learning something new about you. You develop new skills, new ideas and so on that encourage your brain to welcome rejuvenated energies.
Into the bargain, when you cogitate you explore your mind, learning something new about you. This is a practice in subliminal exploring or learning. You expand new credentials, new ideas and so on that propose your brain to congenial re-energized natural and positive energies.
This is the key points in exercising the brain that will benefit you and help you to see how you can heal the body and mind.
How learning more about you benefits you in energy development and self-healing:
Learning who you are is essential in discovering techniques to improve your overall life and health. Take time now to learn tactics you can use to learn more about you. Include meditation in your daily schedule to increase your pace at healing your body and mind.
Energy betterment is critical for self-assurance-healing. Some of the intrinsic practices we can use to benefit our life are based on our own innate understanding. Take time to explore subliminal learning to learn more about what you know, what skills you can develop and how connecting with your subconscious mind will benefit you.
Your body and mind needs sporting and proper nutrition to survive. For this reason, you need to consider and devise a plan to focus on diet and exercise. If you exercise the body you build muscles, healthy bones, joints, etc and you also encourage living cells and the metabolic system to continue producing what you need to survive healthy. To learn more take some time to explore subliminal exploring in energy development and self-healing.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Self Development of Mental Spiritual and Physical Meditation
Secluded Decade Improvement through Rumination
When a person can regulate their sources of spirituality, it brings them great kick*. Since we all are different in human equation, spirituality differs for most of us as well. The goal later than increase your spirituality is incurring a need to reach beyond to connect with your spiritual side. Your discovery should make you feel good about who you are. What you may discover should be exploited in your expedition to communion, helping you to develop and flourish in your individuality.
We all know that prayers are stalwart tools that regard attitudes. Prayers are often deterrent example on one's behalf, or for people we know. According to few philosophers who opinion denomination, each day we pray we should work in accord with that application.
Meditation forms strategies you can use to connect with you, which is harmonious to begging toward a better being. When you pray you often, have a feeling low-key. You may feel soothing touches breeze about you. Like prayer, meditation brings you closer to who you are. You can improve your lifetime through prayer and mediation.
Learning to meditate effectively:
Firstly, keep in mind that mediation is a tool that coordinates our senses, second thought, body, and so on. The newfound awareness is to assist you by relaxing the body and mind. As you relax through meditation, you gain power of your mind.
Mediation helps you to focus on your goals. When you feel that sense of spirituality through meditation, it helps you with the development progress.
The inclination from meditating comforts you so that you feel energy. Once your energy is elevated, it helps you to deal with life and people around you more calmly. You affects need to follow nitty-gritty consummate to learn how you can take up on what you intend to accomplish from meditation.
When you commence to meditate, you must comprehend that at first it will be intricate. Meditation is favored or removing all thoughts from your mind for a little time and then indulgent the mind to focus on. Recurrently your mind my ramble. You can benefit by letting your thoughts go freely. Once your thoughts feel a sense of relief, then you can move to meditation.
How to meditate effectively:
As you commence to meditate, begin by finding a snug position. You want your body to erect in your relaxed seating. Your back should must be aligned naturally and sitting upright. Once you feel relaxed, exploit your hands so that it bears your weight.
Now take a deep breath and exhale in the air, inhaling it into your lungs. Now hold and release. Relax again continuing your position. When you learn to go at* on your breathing and how to take deep breathes, it helps you to remove unwarranted stress.
When you practice meditation, it abides you to discover arbitrator within, since your thoughts will gradually soundlessness. Meditation cures you to clear up clutter. After you feel that sense of serenity, you commence to enjoin and have affirmed your mind.
One has practice regular to meditate. Practice helps a person gain console more of their thoughts. As you usher toward your journey and overall impression, you may discover areas of disturbance. At points, your mind may roam back to memories you may prefer to escape. Manage the tightropes to buy your discomforts and the thoughts freely come forward. While you commence to meditate, avoid forcing actions or thoughts on your mind and body. Allow rein for natural rights. Manage elbowroom for freedom to inspire your spiritual, mental, and physical being.
When a person can regulate their sources of spirituality, it brings them great kick*. Since we all are different in human equation, spirituality differs for most of us as well. The goal later than increase your spirituality is incurring a need to reach beyond to connect with your spiritual side. Your discovery should make you feel good about who you are. What you may discover should be exploited in your expedition to communion, helping you to develop and flourish in your individuality.
We all know that prayers are stalwart tools that regard attitudes. Prayers are often deterrent example on one's behalf, or for people we know. According to few philosophers who opinion denomination, each day we pray we should work in accord with that application.
Meditation forms strategies you can use to connect with you, which is harmonious to begging toward a better being. When you pray you often, have a feeling low-key. You may feel soothing touches breeze about you. Like prayer, meditation brings you closer to who you are. You can improve your lifetime through prayer and mediation.
Learning to meditate effectively:
Firstly, keep in mind that mediation is a tool that coordinates our senses, second thought, body, and so on. The newfound awareness is to assist you by relaxing the body and mind. As you relax through meditation, you gain power of your mind.
Mediation helps you to focus on your goals. When you feel that sense of spirituality through meditation, it helps you with the development progress.
The inclination from meditating comforts you so that you feel energy. Once your energy is elevated, it helps you to deal with life and people around you more calmly. You affects need to follow nitty-gritty consummate to learn how you can take up on what you intend to accomplish from meditation.
When you commence to meditate, you must comprehend that at first it will be intricate. Meditation is favored or removing all thoughts from your mind for a little time and then indulgent the mind to focus on. Recurrently your mind my ramble. You can benefit by letting your thoughts go freely. Once your thoughts feel a sense of relief, then you can move to meditation.
How to meditate effectively:
As you commence to meditate, begin by finding a snug position. You want your body to erect in your relaxed seating. Your back should must be aligned naturally and sitting upright. Once you feel relaxed, exploit your hands so that it bears your weight.
Now take a deep breath and exhale in the air, inhaling it into your lungs. Now hold and release. Relax again continuing your position. When you learn to go at* on your breathing and how to take deep breathes, it helps you to remove unwarranted stress.
When you practice meditation, it abides you to discover arbitrator within, since your thoughts will gradually soundlessness. Meditation cures you to clear up clutter. After you feel that sense of serenity, you commence to enjoin and have affirmed your mind.
One has practice regular to meditate. Practice helps a person gain console more of their thoughts. As you usher toward your journey and overall impression, you may discover areas of disturbance. At points, your mind may roam back to memories you may prefer to escape. Manage the tightropes to buy your discomforts and the thoughts freely come forward. While you commence to meditate, avoid forcing actions or thoughts on your mind and body. Allow rein for natural rights. Manage elbowroom for freedom to inspire your spiritual, mental, and physical being.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Five methods of finding personal success and growth in reading
You will be amazed at what you can learn through reading. You will see that there are so many things that you can do in your life with the right knowledge. When you are ready to start succeeding in life, you should take the time to read. This is an amazing thing and you will see how it can work for you.
There are many ideas that you can get through reading. You will be greatly amazed at the opportunities that you can come up with when you simply take the time to read and make the most of your life. You will be able to find out so many different things and you will be able to take advantage of the opportunities that are out there for you. Get started now and read your way to success.
First, you should read about things that interest you. If you are having an interest in something and you want to learn more about it, you should take the time to read. You can learn all the things that you were wandering about and so much more. There are so many books out there that have information about everything. You can even go online and find out what you are looking for. There are many opportunities that you can open up when you have the right information.
Second if you are looking for a way to make yourself more successful, you should take the time to find out what you need to do in order to get to where you want to be. You can do this by reading. Reading is a great way to get the facts about what you need to make your life better and what you can do to get yourself there.
Third of all, you can need to use reading as a way to make yourself smarter. Just by reading books, you are using your mind. You will see that no matter what you are reading, you are putting information into your brain. This is something that is very useful. You are getting your mind working and putting it to good use. You should take this opportunity any time that you can. You will feel good when you know that you are helping yourself succeed just by reading books.
The fourth way that you can use reading to help you find success is that you can help others. When you are reading, you can use this as a good method of helping others. You can read about anything and then you can use what you have learned and spread it on. You can show others how they too can learn to be successful by reading. You are doing not only yourself a favor, but you are helping others as well. This is a great feeling and one that you should be proud of.
The fifth method of making yourself more successful by reading is to use this as power. When you are giving yourself the power to read about anything, you are giving your mind and body more strength. You are putting yourself ahead of the game and giving yourself so much opportunity. You are getting all the advantages of reading and the power that it has. This is a great goal and one that you need to take advantage of anytime you get the opportunity to.
Reading is a great tool to use. You will find that reading is something that you will use forever. No matter what you are doing and what you need, reading is one way to get you there. You cannot go wrong no matter what you decide to read. You are opening up your mind and letting yourself take in power by giving it knowledge.
There are many ideas that you can get through reading. You will be greatly amazed at the opportunities that you can come up with when you simply take the time to read and make the most of your life. You will be able to find out so many different things and you will be able to take advantage of the opportunities that are out there for you. Get started now and read your way to success.
First, you should read about things that interest you. If you are having an interest in something and you want to learn more about it, you should take the time to read. You can learn all the things that you were wandering about and so much more. There are so many books out there that have information about everything. You can even go online and find out what you are looking for. There are many opportunities that you can open up when you have the right information.
Second if you are looking for a way to make yourself more successful, you should take the time to find out what you need to do in order to get to where you want to be. You can do this by reading. Reading is a great way to get the facts about what you need to make your life better and what you can do to get yourself there.
Third of all, you can need to use reading as a way to make yourself smarter. Just by reading books, you are using your mind. You will see that no matter what you are reading, you are putting information into your brain. This is something that is very useful. You are getting your mind working and putting it to good use. You should take this opportunity any time that you can. You will feel good when you know that you are helping yourself succeed just by reading books.
The fourth way that you can use reading to help you find success is that you can help others. When you are reading, you can use this as a good method of helping others. You can read about anything and then you can use what you have learned and spread it on. You can show others how they too can learn to be successful by reading. You are doing not only yourself a favor, but you are helping others as well. This is a great feeling and one that you should be proud of.
The fifth method of making yourself more successful by reading is to use this as power. When you are giving yourself the power to read about anything, you are giving your mind and body more strength. You are putting yourself ahead of the game and giving yourself so much opportunity. You are getting all the advantages of reading and the power that it has. This is a great goal and one that you need to take advantage of anytime you get the opportunity to.
Reading is a great tool to use. You will find that reading is something that you will use forever. No matter what you are doing and what you need, reading is one way to get you there. You cannot go wrong no matter what you decide to read. You are opening up your mind and letting yourself take in power by giving it knowledge.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Meditation in Self Healing and Development
Meditation in the process of self-development is very important to stay healthy and in control. With meditation to give us guidance and power we can overcome what is the chief cause of our problem in self-developing and self-healing. By meditating often, we learn growth practices and a new way of managing our life.
There are many ways to use meditation as a guide to relieve stress for strength in other areas of our life. When there is stress, hanging over our heads we lose interest and become depressed.
Stress will cause many things to occur, even in how we function. Stress can lead to exaggerated chronic pain; cause us to make poor decisions and much more. Reduce stressors by learning the different techniques for guided relaxation.
With a form of meditation included in our daily life, we gain control with how we think, perform and succeed. As we learn to relax, we are able to focus (a form of meditation) on one thing at a time. Making decisions to become stronger and more successful is often the results of meditating often. Our self-development processes improve and we become stronger because we increase our confidence and ability to give the performance we expect in ourselves.
Let meditation help you become successful and healthier with Yoga. Yoga is an exercise. A skill takes practice to see results. Yoga is a technique that you can learn and practice with a group or alone in front of your TV.
Learn to stand, sit, or move to another position for relaxation with Yoga while improving your posture. Meditating with Yoga will give you confidence and help guide you to relieve pop up stressors that jump in when least expected.
Learn Yoga by taking group sessions or purchasing a video. You can also search the Internet for Yoga skills and more knowledge about how it will help you succeed in developing new skills for self-development.
Meditation with candles works great after a long day. Sit in a dark room with only you and the burning flame. Turn off the lights with the candles burning for you to meditate with. As you watch the flames, burn let your imagination take over you feelings. Think about being somewhere else far away with no around. Enjoy your adventure far off to forget about why you are stressed and tired. Stay on your adventure trip as long as you feel like it; only do not let the candles burn down to far.
Take a hot tub bath to ease the tired feet for a better night of sleep with mediation. This is fun and romantic as well especially when the tub is large enough for two. When using hot water for meditating it is nice to have a second tub area set alone in the bedroom or spare room off to the side. Keep the area cozy with the atmosphere for meditation to guided relaxation. Keep candles sitting around; add a basket of lotions and bath crystals on the floor. Include in the area a boom box or stereo system with a soft low music station or CD’s.
Turn off the lights, on goes the music; light the candles and jump into the hot relaxing water. Soothe the tired body by meditating with the imagination to relax for a more restful night of sleep.
Meditation will also guide you to make good constructive decisions by focusing. Try to meditate and focus on one subject at a time. With relaxation and focusing, you will be able to make the best decision available.
When we practice the skills of meditation in self-development, we forget about the stressors for a time. Upon returning to them, you can look for a different viewpoint that helps us to grow with.
Practice meditation for self-development skills to stay in control for relieving stress.
There are many ways to use meditation as a guide to relieve stress for strength in other areas of our life. When there is stress, hanging over our heads we lose interest and become depressed.
Stress will cause many things to occur, even in how we function. Stress can lead to exaggerated chronic pain; cause us to make poor decisions and much more. Reduce stressors by learning the different techniques for guided relaxation.
With a form of meditation included in our daily life, we gain control with how we think, perform and succeed. As we learn to relax, we are able to focus (a form of meditation) on one thing at a time. Making decisions to become stronger and more successful is often the results of meditating often. Our self-development processes improve and we become stronger because we increase our confidence and ability to give the performance we expect in ourselves.
Let meditation help you become successful and healthier with Yoga. Yoga is an exercise. A skill takes practice to see results. Yoga is a technique that you can learn and practice with a group or alone in front of your TV.
Learn to stand, sit, or move to another position for relaxation with Yoga while improving your posture. Meditating with Yoga will give you confidence and help guide you to relieve pop up stressors that jump in when least expected.
Learn Yoga by taking group sessions or purchasing a video. You can also search the Internet for Yoga skills and more knowledge about how it will help you succeed in developing new skills for self-development.
Meditation with candles works great after a long day. Sit in a dark room with only you and the burning flame. Turn off the lights with the candles burning for you to meditate with. As you watch the flames, burn let your imagination take over you feelings. Think about being somewhere else far away with no around. Enjoy your adventure far off to forget about why you are stressed and tired. Stay on your adventure trip as long as you feel like it; only do not let the candles burn down to far.
Take a hot tub bath to ease the tired feet for a better night of sleep with mediation. This is fun and romantic as well especially when the tub is large enough for two. When using hot water for meditating it is nice to have a second tub area set alone in the bedroom or spare room off to the side. Keep the area cozy with the atmosphere for meditation to guided relaxation. Keep candles sitting around; add a basket of lotions and bath crystals on the floor. Include in the area a boom box or stereo system with a soft low music station or CD’s.
Turn off the lights, on goes the music; light the candles and jump into the hot relaxing water. Soothe the tired body by meditating with the imagination to relax for a more restful night of sleep.
Meditation will also guide you to make good constructive decisions by focusing. Try to meditate and focus on one subject at a time. With relaxation and focusing, you will be able to make the best decision available.
When we practice the skills of meditation in self-development, we forget about the stressors for a time. Upon returning to them, you can look for a different viewpoint that helps us to grow with.
Practice meditation for self-development skills to stay in control for relieving stress.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
THE KIT: To Reach The Right Frequency for Ourselves and Others
What In The World Has Happened and Has Not Happened On Earth? Where Do We Stand with The New Earth and Traveling in Space? What We Can Do To Raise Up To The New Higher Vibration, Change Our World, and Meet The New! By Channie The Spiritual evolution and us ascending to a Higher dimension and a New Earth, is something that everyone has been waiting patiently for. The NET classes have spread many very good messages all over the world, doing things that have been amazingly good for Earth and really been helping. The Beyond classes have raised the consciousness here, but very much, also, in the Universe. This has bounced back to Earth and to us, by us raising their consciousness in World 2 and them helping us down here, so that they can get more information actually about The Beyond. Earth was supposed to meet The New Earth. Humankind and everything existing on this planet, with animals, and plants and everything was supposed to float over to the New. To our new dimension in World 2. We were supposed to become a part of the Universe, as I know it, of Extraterrestrials, Angels and Light Beings. But also you were supposed to get acquainted with them, in the best of ways. Let us compare this to a birth process where the baby has to press itself out to the free and new; the world outside. Our planet has to go through the same process, pressing itself towards a membrane of a Higher dimension that we were supposed to go up to. The membrane is called a dimensional wall. That wall has to burst open and let us through and then smoothly close itself behind us again so that nothing of World 2 could slip into World 1, but we would go from World 1 up to World 2. But the membrane didn’t open for us and nothing of what the Extraterrestrials and all the others in the Universe had predicted and counted out from numerous other places (where planets had gone up to Higher dimensions), happened. It didn’t happen. Their predictions were made by calculating billions of other planets, like ours, going to a Higher dimension and what would usually happen in that process. But, in that case, nothing really exactly became what it was supposed to and did what it was supposed to do. So when our Mother Earth was pressing towards this dimensional wall, She pressed and pressed and the wall buckled around Her. Instead of bursting open, it was like pressing a ball towards a rubber wall. And the dimensional wall became like a pocket around Her, embracing Her and almost closing itself behind Her. There was a very small gap into our old dimension left, but nothing else. Earth was no longer in the old dimension. Neither was it in the new dimension or inside of the dimensional wall. So there became a screening off energy, a border, where suddenly another kind of dimension appeared. A kind of dimension that has never, ever been existing in this Universe or our Creation. A whole new kind of dimension that wasn’t really good for us. The important word, in this case, is “screening off.” Because that was what happened in all levels of everything. Everyone started to feel that they were screened off. They were closed off from their real bodies in World 2 or higher. Their real bodies and their Higher Selves and their Higher Selves’ lives were screened off in many ways. Dreams were altered. And the temper and psychological effects were great. When the psychological part of us is affected, it also affects the body and the cells. These two things also affect the next part of it, our frequency. It started to lower our frequency, our vibration. We had for many, many years battled the energy of becoming something greater than we were. And we have raised our vibration together, hand in hand, with Mother Earth for quite a while. The years 1991, 1993, 1996 were years when we raised our frequency very much. Our vibration was rising with our consciousness and Spirituality. When chakras, auras and an inner vibration in a body have once been raised up to a higher level, it is very destructive for the body to lower its vibration. Cells are decaying and there’s a very great risk in that, for our health. Right now there haven’t been any landings and many people know about this. Why is this happening right now? The new dimension that I spoke of, (that never had been around before and suddenly was capturing Earth) was quite a beautiful sensation to see. A dotted gold shimmering dimension, but with not so nice effects on Earth. But it wasn’t that dimension that started our process with lowering our frequency. It was other things that happened. Lately there have been landings occurring. Both Masters and other persons have done several landings on Earth. They have never told us, after these landings, that actually it affected their bodies in a negative way to come down here. If you have someone, as I said before, with a High vibration coming to a place with a lower vibration, that has usually been a possibility for them. Bu, in this case, the frequency is more than just a lower vibration on Earth. It affects their bodies today to land here and it would affect our bodies to go out in Space right now. When they have come down here and if they come down here, their bodies will start decaying. But they would have a possibility to immediately create a new body for themselves or change that. If we are going with them out in the Universe and then going home, we could have a great problem with our bodies and we could not create a new one down here, ourselves. There are ways that are possible for humans to be able to get out in the Universe, but that is not the first thing to think about. The important thing we need to think about right now is that our bodies have been decaying because of the vibrations getting lower within them. We need to raise the frequency, not only for ourselves but for everyone and everything on Earth, so that people on Earth would start feeling better, sicknesses will disappear that have occurred now and that have been sort of strange or weird. There are also medical things that haven’t been happening before that have started to be more common. Those kinds of sicknesses and problems will be helped by doing certain things. What We Can Do About It: The Kit of Things to Do. There are risks for a human to go out to the Universe and there are risks of being a human on Earth, it seems. So is there a possibility to do anything about this? Well, They were saying that it is a possibility for us to get out in the Universe and to feel better and there is a possibility to live on Earth and also feel better. There are ways that we can help nature and the animals and ourselves. And that is done by a Kit of Things that supposedly should be done by a few people over the world and by them doing these things, they will start a chain reaction, spreading all over the planet and raising our frequency back to what we had before things started to go wrong. This Kit of things to do is simple. It doesn’t need a lot from the person, to succeed with it. I am now turning to the people that went to the NET classes, people who have gone to The Beyond classes, and also people who are teachers for Universal White Time Healing, and asking them that if they have time and a moment to do these things. The chain reaction that would spread is from when you are doing it yourself and 14-17 hours from that moment. The energy will echo out and it will start to help the frequency of people. Of course, it will start first in you and then the surrounding people and then it will travel, further and further, until it gets back to you as a person. That, as I said, will take 14-17 hours. These are a few of the things that I want you to do if you have a moment. There are five Parts. First Part 1. Sit down, if possible, with a candle lit in front of you. 2. Think of you as a human sitting on the Earth that has a vibration within its core, within its soil and within you. 3. Feel the Quality and Energy of that Vibration. 4. Then within your mind, reach out in the Universe. 5. Close your eyes. 6. Imagine yourself traveling out in the Universe in our Blue Creation. 7. Ask, inside of yourself, to truly connect with the Frequency of World 2. It doesn’t matter if you see a planet or if you don’t. It doesn’t matter if you connect with a special part, or not. 8. Just Try to Feel the Energy, the Frequency, the Vibration that exists in this World 2. 9. Try, with your own words to find words to say within yourself, repeatedly, a few times, that means that you want to connect with the Vibration. 10. Then, ask to be a channel for that Vibration. 11. Take it down to your Crown Chakra. 12. Then very slowly push the Frequency and Vibration downwards to the Heart Chakra. 13. Let it rest in the Heart Chakra. Let it turn Clockwise a whole rotation or way around, slowly, in the Heart Chakra. 14. Then slowly push it down. Divide it by the Solar Plexus Chakra and let one part go down into the right leg and let one part go down into the left leg. 15. Let the energy go down within the ground around your feet. Then See Rings occurring around both of your feet, vibrating out that Frequency and spreading out from where you are, leaving your house or where you are staying and reaching out, further and further. Second Part. For this one, you need 3 stones. You need a Rose Quartz, an Amethyst and a Hematite. It doesn’t matter what size these stones are or what they look like. They can even be included in a ring or a pendant. Those can be laid down on a table. 1. Place the Rose Quartz to the Right. 2. Place the Amethyst to the Left. 3. The Hematite is closest to you, like a triangle pointing towards you. 4. Connect with the 3 stones by looking at them and Feeling their Frequency. The Rose Quartz is supposed to be a Frequency connection with your Heart. It represents you and your Heart Chakra. The Amethyst represents the Core Part and Heart of Mother Earth. The Hematite represents the Core Energy of the Universe and its inner Vibration. 5. I want you to take in that Energy of what they represent. Go into a free meditation where you relax and let your mind be free to just hold the Frequency of the stones and what they represent. Then 6. Come back to that with your thoughts, over and over. Then after being within that and holding that thought, 7. Go into the Hematite Frequency of the Core Quality of the Universe Heart Inner Energy and Feel the Frequency of that one. 8. Compare the Hematite Frequency to the Amethyst Frequency of the Inner Core of Earth. Try to have them match up to the same Quality and the same Vibration. Let yourself be like a scale for their Balance. 9. Then Say, inside of yourself, that you want to Raise the Frequency back to what it was before, letting the humans, the animals and the plants have back their Frequency Vibrations back to the level before it started to fall or lower itself. 10. Ask then to Raise the Vibration even over that Energy level (so that we can actually come out from this benefiting from not only getting back to the Vibration that we had, but to even come higher than that.) I want you to try to find your own words, also, to explain what you want to do. That you want the cells to react so that their Vibration would start becoming higher and that it will even become higher than it was before, making the cells and the atoms that we are made of even stronger than they were before. 11. In your mind, Think that this will help Earth and the people on Earth, the animals and the plants to get a healthier, stronger life but it also will help us to a Higher Consciousness, Spirituality and life energy towards the fact that we will become Enlightened in a Higher Level and can reach the dimension that we so much need to go into now. In this part, I don’t want you to have a wish for traveling outside of this planet or a wish to go up to The New Earth with the name of those two things being said. That we will do in another part. Third Part. This next part is also like a meditation but also like a wish or a vision to see yourself with the Higher Vibration and the New possibility for Earth. The possible way for you to be on Earth and feel good, to be on Earth and be able to travel out to the Universe, and to be on Earth and be able to lift Earth and help with the process of Earth getting to the point it needs to be.; to go into a Higher Dimension and to reach the New Earth and merge with its Energies, so we can finally be lifted to this New place of ours. 1. Sit down and relax. Preferably light a candle in front of you. 2. Sit with your mind open and Feel yourself as a human. Try to move yourself a little bit where you are sitting. Move the legs and body and the shoulders and the head a little. Sort of feel that you are sitting and that you have a body. 3. Try to Feel your legs from the knees down to the feet. Feel the energy underneath your feet. Think and See yourself connected with Earth almost like you have cords from underneath your feet to the Core of Earth. 4. Connect with Mother Earth and Her Frequency. Feel that She actually needs a little bit of a boost, in this case, to get to a Higher Vibration. 5. Connect with your Heart Chakra. Feel the Heart Chakra. See it inside of yourself, taking in a Vibration that is Higher from the Universe above, like Rays from above. Small, small, and many, many Rays reaching your Crown Chakra and flowing down to your Heart Chakra 6. When they touch the Heart Chakra, it expands and becomes bigger. Now your Heart Chakra has the right Frequency! 7. Let the small Rays pour down into the legs and down to the feet, so that your whole body is in perfect Frequency and Vibration. You are connected with the Universe with all the Small Rays coming down from the Universe. 8. Ask to be Connected with the Whole of The Blue Creation and See the Rays even expanding with greater volume, and with even More Small Rays pouring into your Crown Chakra and reaching down to your Heart Chakra. 9. By doing that, you have also embraced other Worlds and Higher Vibrations than even World 2. You will have then included the other Worlds above World 2. 10. Ask inside to Connect with the Two Main Forces in this Creation. The True Original Force and The Created Original Force. The first represents Mother God Energy. The second represents Father God Energy. 11. Embrace these Two Energies in your Heart Chakra and relax. 12. The best is to have your eyes closed the whole time, but especially at this point. 13. Now you want to See the Light within inside of yourself. (The Light of the 2 Divine Beings.) 14. Ask that you are a part of everything needed to Raise the Frequency on Earth, to make it possible for humankind to have the right Frequency to be feeling good, but also to be able to travel out in the Universe, to complete their mission, to complete the classes and things they need to help everyone and everything. 15. Ask to Connect with The New Earth and the possibilities to let it flow closer to us and embrace this Old Earth. Letting us flow over to the New Environment of a Higher dimension, to be embraced and be a part of the New. You can also continue with things that you want to add yourself, like meeting the ones that you have lost from this planet again on The New Earth or feeling the connections with Extraterrestrials, Angels and Light Beings and the deepest of friendships. And to also connect truly with your Higher Self and understand things with a wider view and greater intelligence and wisdom. Fourth Part. 1. Lay down on your back. 2. Place a Rose Quartz on your Heart Chakra. Place an Amethyst on your Third Eye. Place a Hematite over your head by the Crown Chakra Ray. 3. Relax and close your eyes. 4. Feel the connection with Mother Earth and your own body. The Rose Quartz represents you and your inner Frequency and Vibration. The Amethyst represents Earth and Her Inner Frequency and Vibration. The Hematite represents The Universe and its Inner Vibration. 5. By laying down horizontally and having the stones this way, you are asking within this position, to Balance the Frequency on Earth. 6. I want you to add words with this. The words can be your own words, but there is one word that is very important. 7. Say, “Hereby, I want to connect my body with Earth and the Universe, balancing the Frequency to Perfection. I call upon an Energy, a Quality that is called ENORAH.” This Energy and Quality is going to help with balancing. It cannot be used until you come to this part of The Kit. But after coming to this part of The Kit, The Enorah Energy will be possible for you to use over and over again, writing the Name or calling upon it to Lift the Vibration for you, Earth and the Universe. (You see by us lowering our frequency, that had a major effect on Mother Earth and the Universe. Of course you can say that Mother Earth lowered Her frequency together with us. It was no one’s fault. It just happened. But, in this case, we affect our surrounding environment in Space, and, in one way, the bigger picture, the Universe. By us working with Highering back our Level of Vibration to the right Vibration, we will affect the Universe in a positive way. When our efforts are seen, we will get more help to even do more for us and the planet. The Enorah Frequency is a helping energy. It is a Ray of Frequency from something that reaches into The Beyond. It is a Name, or an energy level that the Universe usually doesn’t connect with. Sometimes we need to turn to the smallest things and the lowest to help the Highest. In this case, The Enorah Frequency can only be used from this direction and upwards, so the Angels, Light Beings and Extraterrestrials wouldn’t be having the same opportunity to use this to help them to get to the right frequency. 8. Continue this meditation/relaxation, laying down and using your own words of how you want to balance everything, mentioning the Name a little bit, now and then, and feeling how you can Feel that Balance is Occurring. 9. Try to See, Feel, and Be Aware of something really happening. It will be possible to really Feel things within the body by doing this. (If there is more than one person doing this Kit of Things, it is preferable that you do it together, instead of one person doing it and then the next one, within a family or group. The best is to do it all together. If you are a group who know each other, it is preferred that you do all of it together at a certain time, even if you are not in the same place. But timewise that it would be the same. Especially when you work with this part, it is beneficial to work at the same time.) Fifth Part. 1. Sit down by a table with a candle. 2. Put a Rose Quartz in-between the candle and yourself. 3. Sit down, relaxing and looking at the Rose Quartz and its pink color. 4. Connect with the Color of the Rose Quartz. 5. Then Close your eyes. 6. You are now holding the Vibration that is Higher than the one that you had a few hours or days ago, depending upon when you started The Kit. (This means, of course, that you can do this Kit over several hours or over a few days. The best is to do it within a day, with some time in-between each part.) 7. You are also representing the New Higher Vibration. Within this space of being within this Higher Vibration, I want you now to try to Lift other people, animals, plants, etc. to this Higher Form of Vibration. 8. Inside yourself, now Say each individual’s name or the animal’s name or the plant’s location. You can also sit by and hold, a person’s hand. Or you can have a cat or a dog close to you or hold your hand, reaching out for a plant. 9. Ask the Energy of your Higher Vibration to Transport Small Rays from your Heart Chakra to the person’s Heart Chakra. The Rose Quartz in front of you picks up the Ray of the Candle. This is a way to show the representation of the energy shining out. 10. Work with your Heart Chakra shining to the other person’s Heart Chakra. (If you want to, you can have small Rose Quartz pieces that you let represent the person, animal or plant that you want to work with. In that case, those small pieces represent those individual’s, animal’s or plant’s Heart Chakra or energy point. In that case, you place the small Rose Quartz pieces around your bigger Rose Quartz piece. Then as you Connect with the person in your mind, with your Heart Chakra shining to their Heart Chakra, look down at the small Rose Quartz piece representing them. Then in your mind, See a Shining Ray from your Rose Quartz in the middle to their little piece surrounding yours.) 11. When you have connected, Relax. Then Open yourself towards the Universe, letting your Crown Chakra be wide open for Taking in the Higher Vibration of The Universe. 12. Then once again, Feel your Crown Chakra and open yourself even further away and in a bigger way towards the Blue Creation. 13. Ask to have the Frequency and Vibration coming down of the Full Potential of what the Blue Creation represents. 14. Then take that Quality into your Heart Chakra. 15. Say, “I want to transport the Frequency that the person,( animal or plant) you are thinking of, can take.” (You can also then repeat the work again, once again, mentioning a person, an animal or the location of a plant, etc.) 16.You are then shining out a very High Vibration being like a Tool for that Energy without picking up too much of it yourself, actually. So, at the very end of this part, concentrate on giving yourself the Energy. Let the Frequency from the Crown Chakra go down from the Heart Chakra to the Solar Plexus. Focus on keeping the High Frequency Vibration of The All, within the Solar Plexus. 17. Continue until you See a very Bright Light shining up the Solar Plexus. It can be said that we cannot take in too much. We cannot overdo it or destroy anything. We will pick up what we need. And because different people on Earth have gone to different levels of Spiritual growth, it needs to be taken down even more than we normally maybe have had as a Vibration or would have reached by now. We will help people who have gone further than we have, and people who have not gone as far as we have gone. By going up to a Higher Vibration than our own and by reaching out to the Whole Blue Creation, we can help the ones and the things around us that need the Higher Frequency that we maybe couldn’t really reach right now. We will not take in things that could damage ourselves or be too much or too strong for us. But it needs to be said that we will feel/have an effect from this, and animals also and even plants. But do not worry; it is nothing that is dangerous. And the weird effect is only for one day. After that one day, you will be feeling stronger, more vibrant and healthier. You may also put this out on your homepage if you have a website. I hope that this message will reach as many as possible. End Part This information could be sent to anyone that you want to share this with. The more that are sharing The Kit, as They call it, it is going to help in highering the frequency of this planet and making it possible, in a quicker and smoother way, to become perfect. People will have one day when they feel totally weird and the animals who live with you may ignore everything and may act a little strange. This is because what you do, affects the other ones. If you have animals, you don’t need to do this for specific animals. When you do it, it gives out the frequency within your closest environment, your house, your apartment, etc., and it will affect, of course, cats, dogs, and plants, whatever is living in the same environment. If there are more people that you share your home with, like a family or someone else, they don’t need to be doing this. They are still included and you doing it will be helping their energy to a higher level. If you live in a village or town the effect will be that your doing it will very quickly spread the vibration and help people in the surroundings. The greatest effect of this rising Vibration will be, of course, in the closeness of your home environment, but the more people that are doing it, the better it is to reach the critical point when everyone has, and will be given, the Energy Frequency that we need to have. As I said before, the whole Earth will be covered, also very quickly, within hours. If there are any misspellings or things that are grammatically wrong in this document, we apologize but we more wanted to get this out than to take the time to wait. Hugs, Channie. |
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